Presentence Report

JW Mitigation LLC provides comprehensive services for the preparation of presentence reports in Tulsa and surrounding counties, with a particular focus on non-violent charges. Our goal is to ensure that the court is fully informed of the defendant's background, circumstances, and the mitigating factors that may have contributed to their offense, enabling a more nuanced and fair sentencing process.

We conduct a thorough presentence investigation to compile a brief social history , including educational background, employment, criminal, and substance abuse history, and any relevant medical or psychological factors. We place a strong emphasis on identifying and documenting any challenges or adversities the defendant has faced which may have influenced their actions.

JW Mitigation LLC works to highlight positive aspects of the defendant's life and character, such as efforts towards rehabilitation, community involvement, or family responsibilities. This balanced approach aims to present the defendant as a multifaceted individual, rather than solely focusing on the offense, advocating for sentences that are not only just but also conducive to rehabilitation and positive societal reintegration.

Our presentence report services are designed to assist defense attorneys in making compelling arguments for leniency, alternative sentencing options, or other considerations that may mitigate the severity of the sentence.